Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo surprises Nepal Earthquake victim with a Signed Shirt

A victim of April's devastating Nepal earthquake was given a nice surprise when he received a signed shirt from Cristiano Ronaldo.
The 13-year-old Jetin Shrestha opened the package in front of his friends in Banepa, a municipality in central Nepal.
The youngster was playing football in April earlier this year when the earthquake, which killed over 9,000 people, struck the South Asian nation.

Jetin stood still as the ground shook around him and, remarkably, continued to play as soon as the earthquake had stopped, unaware of the magnitude of what had just happened.
"I love Cristiano Ronaldo, I love Real Madrid," he said. "One day I would love to also play for Real Madrid, because I love football."

The 13-year-old Jetin Shrestha opened the package in front of his friends in Banepa, a municipality in central Nepal.

In the shirt is was written, 
"Jetin be strong, best wishes. Cristiano Ronaldo".

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